decho.txt Vim Code Debugger				Nov 29, 2019

Author:  Charles E. Campbell  <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
	  (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email to use)
Copyright: (c) 2004-2014 by Charles E. Campbell	decho-copyright
           The VIM LICENSE applies to Decho.vim and Decho.txt
           (see copyright) except use "Decho" instead of "Vim"
	   No warranty, express or implied.  Use At-Your-Own-Risk.

1. Contents						decho-contents

	1. Contents......................: decho-contents
	2. Getting Acquainted............: decho-tutorial
	3. Decho Manual..................: decho
	4. Decho Global Variables........: decho-var
	5. Decho History.................: decho-history

	NOTE: as of version 7, Decho requires <cecutil.vim> for
	:DechoOn and :DechoOff (they call SaveWinPosn() and
	RestoreWinPosn() to retain the cursor/screen position)

2. Getting Acquainted  					decho-tutorial

    There are three primary functions:

	Dfunc("MyFunctionNameHere(...)") - put at the beginning of function(s)
	Dret("MyFunctionNameHere ...")  - put just before return points in functions
	Decho("...") - put into the body of functions (wherever you feel best)

    First, just try

        :Decho "some string"

   You'll see a window appear at the bottom of the display showing "some

    Here's a somewhat longer example (lets call the file dbgexample.vim):

	" FuncAB: an example
	fun! FuncA(x)
	  call Dfunc("FuncA(a:x=".a:x.")")

	  if a:x == 1
	   call Dret("FuncA ".(2*a:x))
	   return 2*a:x
	  elseif a:x == 2
	   let result= FuncB(a:x)
	   call Dret("FuncA ".result)
	   return result

	  call Dret("FuncA 0 : a:x=".a:x)
	  return 0

	" FuncB:
	fun! FuncB(y)
	  call Dfunc("FuncB(a:y=".a:y.")")
	  call Dret("FuncB 3*a:y=".(3*a:y))
	  return 3*a:y
	call FuncA(1)
	call FuncA(2)
	call FuncA(3)

    Source the file

    	:so dbgexample.vim

    The debugging output trace will appear in a window at the bottom of the

	FuncA(a:x=1) {
	|return FuncA 2 }
	FuncA(a:x=2) {
	|FuncB(a:y=2) {
	||return FuncB 3*a:y=6 }
	|return FuncA 6 }
	FuncA(a:x=3) {
	|return FuncA 0 : a:x=3 }

    One gets a trace of activity, and function calls are indented by "|"s as
    shown courtesty of Dfunc() and Dret().  Try using


    and sourcing dbgexample.vim.  You'll find the debugging trace in its own
    tab (use :tabn to see it).  Turn this mode off with


    Try using the remote-debugging (your vim will need to support
    +clientserver for this):

	:so dbgexample.vim

    Many of Decho.vim's commands control where the debugging trace is to go.
    By default, Decho opens a window at the bottom of the display.  However,
    plugins sometimes can't handle extra windows, and so there are other

      DechoTabOn  -- debugging output will go to a new tab
      DechoRemOn -- debugging output will go to a remote gvim
      DechoMsgOn -- debugging output will use echomsg
      DechoVarOn -- debugging output will go into a variable (by default, its called g:dechovar)

    (there are also ...Off variants:  DechoTabOff, DechoRemOff, etc).

3. Decho Manual						decho dfunc dret

	The Decho plugin supports the inlining of debugging code.  It allows
	one to store debugging information along with scripts.  Many of my]
	own scripts can use this plugin (usually after a :DechoOn is issued).

	Decho, Dfunc, Dret, and Dredir have several ways to save their
	debugging output:

	 g:dechomode   To Enable   To Disable   Debugging Output
	 -----------   ----------  -----------  ---------------------------
	       1       (default)                appended to separate window
	       2       DechoMsgOn  DechoMsgOff  uses :echomsg
	       3       DechoVarOn  DechoVarOff  appended to g:dechovar
	       4       DechoRemOn  DechoRemOff  appended to a remote server
	       5       DechoTabOn  DechoTabOff  appended to a tab

	Why so many methods?  Although the default method, that of writing
	debugging output to a separate debugging window, is often quite
	convenient, sometimes plugins want to control the entire window
	display.  Hence a debugging window can cause trouble as it is
	unaccounted for by the plugin.  The :echomsg output can be seen with
	:messages, but only 20 such messages can be retained.  The remote
	server debugging output keeps its "distance" from plugins, but uses
	gvim to open a separate debugging instance.  So, pick whichever method
	suits debugging your plugin best.


	    call Decho("another string")
	    call Decho("yet","another","string")
	    call DechoSep(["extra message"])
	    call Dfunc("funcname(".whatever.")")
	    call Dredir(["string","string",...,]"cmd")
	    call Dret("funcname".whatever)
	    Decho "a string"
	    DechoOn    DechoOff
	    DechoVarOn [varname]
	    Dsep [extra-message]

	The Decho call will put the string(s) passed to it into the debugging
	window (by default, it will be called "DBG".  See decho-var for
	how to change that).  Control characters embedded in the string will
	be made visible with a ^A - ^Z visualization.

	The Dfunc() and Dret() calls act as a pair.  A function to be debugged
	should call, at entry,

		call Dfunc("funcname("."any arguments".")")

	It should also call, just prior to any return point,

		call Dret("funcname : any return values")
	or just
		call Dret("funcname")

	In between, calls to Decho will have their strings preceded by "|"s,
	one for every open Dfunc().  The Dret() will check to insure that it
	is returning from the last function passed to Dfunc().

		function! MyFunction(x)
		  call Dfunc("MyFunction(x=".x.")")
		  call Dret("MyFunction")

       							DechoOn DechoOff
	DechoOn and DechoOff are convenient commands for enabling and disabling
	Decho, Dfunc, and Dret calls in a sourcefile.  DechoOff makes any line
	containing one of the following strings:

    	    Decho        DechoRemOff  DechoTabOn   Dfunc
    	    DechoMsgOff  DechoRemOn   DechoVarOff  Dret
    	    DechoMsgOn   DechoTabOff  DechoVarOn

	into a comment line and DechoOn reactivates such commands by removing
	the leading comment '"' character.

		call Decho("this will show up in the DBG buffer")

						decho-dhide decho-dshow
	The Dhide and Dshow commands allow one to toggle the visibility of
	the DBG-buffer.  They use the g:decho_hide variable, plus make any
	current DBG-buffer hidden or visible as indicated.


							Dsep DechoSep
	This command (Dsep) and function (call DechoSep([optional msg])
	places a line of the form
		--sep#-- [optional operation]
	in the debugging output.  The number will be incremented for each
	time this function is invoked.  It helps one correlate an action
	with the resulting debugging output.

	The optional operation will be executed using normal mode or,
	if it begins with a colon, command mode.

							decho-redir Dredir
	The Dredir() function allows one to redirect (see :redir) a command's
	output to the debugging buffer.  One must have the command to be
	executed as the first argument; optionally, one may include additional
	arguments which will be passed on to Decho() for output.

		call Dredir(["string","string",...,]"cmd")

		call Dredir("buffers","ls!")

	Some plugins use events such as BufEnter, WinEnter, and WinLeave.  If
	you set this variable to 1, then such events will be ignored when and
	only when Decho() and variants are used.  Setting this option avoids
	such plugins from being triggered when recording debugging messages.
	(examples: winmanager, taglist, multiselect, etc)

		let g:decho_bufenter= 1

						DechoVarOn DechoVarOff
	Although debugging to a window is often convenient for the programmer,
	unfortunately some vim applications are incompatible with such a
	window (such as those which do window control themselves).  Using
	sends debugging output to be appended to a variable named in the
	g:dechovarname variable (by default, its "g:dechovar").  To turn
	this mode off (ie. revert to normal debugging-window use) use
	DechoVarOn also sets g:dechofile with the name of the script that
	invoked it.

	This is a deferred command -- it won't take effect until the next
	Decho/Dfunc/Dret call.

						DechoMsgOn DechoMsgOff
	This debugging method uses echomsg to display messages; they may be
	seen with the :messages.  Vim usually will retain up to 20 such
	messages (see message-history).  Use
	to turn this method on and
	to revert to normal debugging-window use.  This method helps avoid
	interference with some plugins.
	DechoMsgOn also sets g:dechofile with the name of the script that
	invoked it.

	This is a deferred command -- it won't take effect until the next
	Decho/Dfunc/Dret call.

						DechoRemOn DechoRemOff
	This method will open (if necessary) and use a remote gvim with a
	servername of DECHOREMOTE.  Debugging messages are appended to that
	instance of gvim.  To have this command available, your vim must have
	clientserver enabled and gvim must be executable. Use
	to turn this method on and
	to revert to normal debugging-window use.  This method helps avoid
	interference with some plugins.

	DechoRemOn also sets g:dechofile with the name of the script that
	invoked it.

	This is a deferred command -- it won't take effect until the next
	Decho/Dfunc/Dret call.

						DechoTabOn DechoTabOff
	This method will open (if necessary) and use a debugging tab with
	one window.  Debugging messages are appended to the debugging tab
	(see tabpage).  One may use gt to switch between two tabs.  Use
	to turn this method on and
	to revert to normal debugging-window use.  The Decho and related
	calls turn events off while writing to the debugging tab so as to
	attempt to remain transparent with respect to normal event processing.

	This is a deferred command -- it won't take effect until the next
	Decho/Dfunc/Dret call.


	Consider the following file:
	    let x="abc"
	    let y="def"
	    call Dfunc("testing(x=".x.")")
	    call Decho("decho test #1")
	    call Dfunc("Testing(y=".y.")")
	    call Decho("decho test #2")
	    call Dret("Testing")
	    call Decho("decho test #3")
	    call Dret("testing")

	Then sourcing with <Decho.vim> as a plugin (ie. already loaded) yields:

	    testing(x=abc) {
	    |decho test #1
	    |Testing(y=def) {
	    ||decho test #2
	    ||Testing }
	    |decho test #3
	    |testing }

	DechoRemOn also sets g:dechofile with the name of the script that
	invoked it.

	This command puts a pause-until-<cr> into operation (for use in the
	plugin being debugged).  It uses redraw! (see :redraw) to make the
	display reflect its current state.

	This command will enable/disable output from Dfunc/Dret/Decho.
	It may be used as a coded command inside the plugin or actively
	by the programmer attempting to debug a plugin.

4. Decho Global Variables		decho-variables decho_settings
					decho_options decho-var

   g:dechofuncname   : =0: will not prepend function name (default)
		       =1: will prepend Decho messages with (funcname)

   g:decholinenum    : =0: will not append ~### (line number information) (default)
		       =1: will append ~### line number information
		       *** At the current time (Jul 15, 2015) this feature
		       *** has been disabled because its not reflecting the
		       *** line number of the caller.

   g:dechomode       : =1 use separate small window at bottom (default)
		       =2 debugging messages will use echomsg and can be seen
		          by using :messages.  See message-history for more
		          about this; currently, the maximum number of mess-
		          ages remembered is 20.
		       =3 debugging messages get appended to the variable
		          named by g:dechovarname (also see g:dechovar)
		       =4 debugging messages get appended to the gvim remote
		          server named DECHOREMOTE.

   g:decho_bufname   : by default "DBG" .  Sets the name of the debugging
   		       buffer and window.

   g:decho_hide      : if set the DBG window will be hidden and will
   		       automatically "q" each time it is used.  To see it,
		       :e DBG .  Useful for those applications that
		       modify windows.

   g:dechovar        : default value of g:dechovarname (see g:dechovarname)

   g:dechovarname    : when g:dechomode is 3, debugging output is appended to
		       the variable named by this variable
		       (default: "g:dechovar"  - see g:dechovar)

   g:decho_winheight : by default equal to 5 lines.  Specifies the height
		       of the debugging window.  Every Dfunc/Decho/Dret
		       call will resize that window to this height.

5. Decho History					decho-history

	v22	Nov 29, 2019	* :Dsep [optional operation] instead of
				  :Dsep [optional message] implemented.
	v21	Oct 31, 2008	* improved DechoTab -- found a case where a new tab
				  caused Decho output to go to the wrong tab.
		Dec 04, 2008	* implemented deferred on-commanding (ie. DechoTabOn,
				  etc).  s:DechoCtrlInit(), s:DechoCtrl().
		Dec 24, 2008	* using lz -- restore_lz around Decho when using
		Jan 19, 2009w	* If a debugging tab is found, it still might not be
				  open to a "Decho Tab" window.  Append to the
				  "Decho Tab" window if its still present;
				  otherwise, regenerate the debugging tab and window.
		Apr 14, 2010	* cecutil improvements
		Mar 04, 2011	* documentation for DechoPause included
				* DechoToggle implemented
		Apr 13, 2011	* using strtrans() instead of a loop
		Jun 23, 2011	* uses the string() function when input argument
				  is not a string
		Mar 07, 2014	* implemented g:dechofuncname, where
				  "(funcname)" is automtically prepended to Decho messages
		Jul 30, 2014	* Decho may be debugged by Recho calls and
				  vice versa.
		Oct 09, 2014	* Symptom: syntax highlighting not occuring
				  for DechoTabOn.  Problem: ei saved at beginning of
				  Decho(), then set ei=all.  DechoTabOn caused
				  another eikeep save, but ei=all already.  Removed.
		Mar 27, 2015	* When DechoRemOn was active, then a
				  Decho("<F1>") would result in a function-1
				  key hit in the remote debugging file rather
				  than simply showing <F1>.  Fixed by using a
				  setline() in those cases.
		Jul 02, 2015	* Changed %d to %d _ (uses black hole register)
		Jul 15, 2015	* Included g:decholinenum option
	v20	Jun 07, 2007	* changed some syntax/Decho.vim highlighting definitions
				  to avoid the use of highlighting groups defined by
				  colors/astronaut.vim that aren't standard (Cyan,
				  Magenta) (pointed out by Andreas Politz)
				* (Erik Falor) under windows, uses "start gvim..."so
				  that DechoRemOn doesn't keep the original gvim
				  blocking until the remote gvim closes.
				* (Erik Falor) The remote gvim now has 'nosi' sent to it.
		Feb 13, 2008	* changed s:DechoSep() to DechoSep() so that it can be
				  called externally.  In particular, I'm using (all one
				  line): >
				  redraw!|call DechoSep()|...
				  call inputsave()|call input("Press <cr> to continue")|...
				  call inputrestore()
				  to put a temporary halt into code I'm debugging while
				  retaining an idea of where in the Debug file it took
				  May 29, 2008   * Removed an annoying beep that could crop up if
				  g:dechotabnr indexed a non-existent tab page.
		Aug 12, 2008	* DechoRemOn left autoindent enabled in the remote
				  window which can cause staircasing
		Oct 13, 2008	* in DechoTab mode, the search for the first tab called
				  "Decho Tab" didn't start at tab#1 as the search loop
	v19	Oct 16, 2006	* Dredir now takes optional strings first instead of
				* The :Decho and :Dredir commands now take <args> instead
				  of <q-args>, which allows them to act more like the
				  function calls do.
				* DechoRemOn's remote vim no longer will have
				  formatoptions' a or t suboptions set even if the user
				  has specified something like fo+=at in his/her .vimrc.
				* If the user interposes a new tab (or deletes the
				  "Decho Tab"), Decho finds the "Decho Tab" tab or
				  creates a new one when called.
	v18	Mar 13, 2006	* now handles arguments which are lists
				* works around ignorecase setting
				* removed bt=nofile; using noswf instead
		Sep 08, 2006	* if DechoRemOn is used, but then the user closes the
				  remote window but still sends Decho messages, then
				  Decho now switches to DECHOWIN mode to prevent an
				  onslaught of error messages about how vim can't connect
				  to the DECHOREMOTE vim.
	v17	Mar 03, 2006	* debugging filetype set to Decho for DechoTabOn and
				  DechoRemOn and ei manipulated so that syntax
				  highlighting works for the Decho Tab buffer.
				  * bugfix: when a buffer was 'noma', DechoTabOn
				  inherited that and complained about not being allowed
				  to modify the buffer.
	v16	Feb 27, 2006	* reflecting changes to tab commands:
				  tab -> tabn, tabn -> tabnew
	v15	Feb 21, 2006	* DechoTab[On\Off] implemented
	v14	Jan 25, 2006	* bugfix: with DechoVarOn, Decho would issue error
				  messages when the string had single quotes (') in
				* SaveWinPosn(0) used to avoid SWP stack use
		Feb 15, 2006	* DechoRemOn and DechoRemOff now turn debugging on/off to
				  a remote DECHOREMOTE gvim server.  Your vim must
				  support clientserver and gvim must be executable.
	v13	Jan 18, 2006	* cecutil updated to use keepjumps
	v12	Jan 14, 2005	* DechoOn/Off now also turns on/off DechoVarOn/Off
				  * Now includes a GetLatestVimScripts line for cecutil.vim
		Apr 25, 2005	* Decho now does "runtime plugin/cecutil.vim" if that plugin
				  hasn't been loaded yet.  It will also try the AsNeeded
				  subdirectory if g:loaded_asneeded exists.
		Jun 02, 2005	* with DechoMsgOn, Decho("doesn't") now works
	v11	Aug 06, 2004	* <q-args> now used instead of <args> for :Decho and :Dredir
		Oct 28, 2004	* DechoMsgOn and DechoMsgOff installed; debugging messages
				  will use the :echomsg command.
		Dec 27, 2004	* DechoVarOn and DechoVarOff installed; debugging
				  messages will be appended to the variable specified by
				  g:dechovarname, which by default is "g:dechovar".
				  These two commands toggle the variable
		Dec 29, 2004	* Dredir() now accepts multiple arguments (cmd and output)
	v10	Jul 27, 2004	* if g:decho_bufenter exists, Decho will ignore BufEnter
				* Decho uses keepjumps to avoid altering the jumplist
				* appending to the DBG buffer with Decho does not make
				  it modified
				* Dredir(cmd) may be used to redirect command output
				  to the DBG buffer.  Example:  call Dredir("cmd")
	v9	Jun 18, 2004	* Dfunc/Decho/Dret now immune to lcd changes in the DBG
				  buffer name
				* DechoOn and DechoOff now accept ranges
	v8	Jun 06, 2004	* Implemented Dhide and Dshow commands for toggling
				  the DBG-buffer's visibility (see decho-dhide)
	v7	Jun 02, 2004	* made creation of	DBG window silent
				* g:decho_winheight implemented (see g:decho_winheight)
				* Dfunc/Decho/Dret	will always resize the DBG window to the
				  number of lines specified by g:decho_winheight (dflt:5)
				* g:decho_hide implemented (see g:decho_hide)
	v6	May 11, 2004	* some bug	fixes
	v5	Apr 20, 2004	* Dfunc() - for entering a	function
				* Dret()  - for returning from a function
	v4	Apr 20, 2004	* Now makes control characters visible
	v3	Aug 07, 2003	* changed fixed "DBG" to g:decho_bufname to allow s/w to
				  change the buffer name!
				* Now handles returning cursor to one of several windows
				  and having multiple DBG-windows
