rainbow.txt	The Rainbow Tool		       Dec 03, 2015

Author:    Charles E. Campbell  <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
           (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
Copyright: (c) 2004-2015 by Charles E. Campbell	Rainbow-copyright
           The VIM LICENSE applies to Rainbow.vim, RainbowPlugin.vim, and
	   Rainbow.txt (see copyright) except use "Rainbow" instead of

1. Contents					rainbow rainbow-contents {{{1

	1. Contents.....................................: rainbow-contents
	2. Usage........................................: rainbow-usage
	3. History......................................: rainbow-history

2. Usage						rainbow-usage   {{{1

	vim rainbow.vba.gz
	:so %

TUTORIAL					:rainbow-tutorial
	Simply edit one of the supported filetypes
	(currently, c, c++, matlab, Latex, javascript, and vim):

	    vim somefile
	    :Rainbow      -- this will turn rainbow highlighting on
	    :Rainbow!     -- this will turn rainbow highlighting off
	    :SplitRainbow -- split and show normal highlighting on left
	                     window and rainbow highlighting on the right.
			     The windows use 'scrollbind' and any
			     folds will be opened.

MANUAL							:Rainbow

					rainbow-c rainbow-cpp
	:Rainbow and C/C++:
	This command will enable rainbow highlighting for C and C++.
	One may also pass the desired set of delimiters to be
	rainbow'd via this command: (also see g:hlrainbow_c)

		:Rainbow {[(
		:Rainbow {(
		:Rainbow {[
		:Rainbow [(
		:Rainbow {
		:Rainbow [
		:Rainbow (

	These forms of the :Rainbow command alter the g:hlrainbow
	variable value.

	:Rainbow and Lisp:
	For lisp, :Rainbow (and, conversely, :Rainbow!) enable/disable
	rainbow highlighting for Lisp (*.lsp) files.

	:Rainbow and Matlab:
	For matlab files, :Rainbow and :Rainbow! provide/disable rainbow
	highlighting for Mat (*.m) files.  One may also pass a selective
	set of items to be rainbow'd via this command:
	(also see g:hlrainbow_matlab)

		:Rainbow if for switch while

	or any subset.

	:Rainbow and TeX:
	This command enables rainbow highlighting for LaTeX (*.tex) files.
	It isn't intended for regular use, but to make it easier to locate
	problems with missing "$"s, etc.

	:Rainbow and Vim:
	This command enabled rainbow highlighting for Vim (*.vim) files.
	One may pass a selective set of items to be rainbow'd via this
	(also see g:hlrainbow_vim)

		:Rainbow if for while func

	This command will disable rainbow highlighting for C and C++.

	This plugin provides a "rainbow" of colors for matching brackets
	( [] () {} ) depending upon their nesting level; it is intended to
	provide support the C and C++ languages.

					g:hlrainbow_c g:hlrainbow_cpp
	This global variable holds characters such as "(){}[]"; by default
	it holds "{(".  It enables rainbow highlighting as follows:
	  "(" or ")":  ( and ) rainbow highlighting
	  "{" or "}":  { and } rainbow highlighting
	  "[" or "]":  [ and ] rainbow highlighting

	This global variable holds characters such as "(){}"; by default
	it holds "{(".  It enables rainbow highlighting as follows:
	  "(" or ")":  ( and ) rainbow highlighting
	  "{" or "}":  { and } rainbow highlighting

	g:hlrainbow and Matlab:
	This global variable holds a string which may contain one or more of
	the following words:

		if for switch while

	and enables rainbow highlighting for the associated Matlab grammar.

	g:hlrainbow_vim and Vim:
	This global variable holds a string which may contain one or more
	of the following words:

		if for while func

3. History						rainbow-history {{{1

 v2	Oct 20, 2009	* supports Rainbow command to turn rainbow
			  highlighting on/off.
			* (Greg Klein) pointed out that "contained" seemed to
			  be missing from the cParenXX definitions.
			* I've commented out the cCppParen definitions,
			  letting cParenXX work.  I noticed a problem with
			  these: (the following closing parenthesis got
			  highlighted as an error)
			    int f(int x,
			          int y)
			  and I'm afraid I don't remember why there was
			  a separate set of definitions for C++.  If anyone
			  sees a problem -- please give me an example (short
			  is good)
	Nov 01, 2009	* :Rainbow {[( and variants supported.
	Sep 26, 2011	* Matlab, LaTeX, and Javascript supported
	Oct 19, 2012	* Included rainbow-parentheses support for Lisp
	Oct 23, 2015	* :SplitRainbow command implemented
	Dec 03, 2015	* Included vim support

Modelines: {{{1