RunView.txt	RunView					Jan 12, 2018
Copyright:    Copyright (C) 2018 Charles E. Campbell {{{1
              Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
              with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
              notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
              RunView.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty
              of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using this
              plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright
              holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use
              of this software.

1. Contents					runview runview-contents

	1. Contents..................................: runview-contents
	2. Usage.....................................: runview-usage
	3. Options...................................: runview-options
	4. History...................................: runview-history

2. Usage						runview-usage

   COMMAND	:RunView  :RV
   	:[range]RunView[!] [filtercommand]
   	:[range]RV[!] [filtercommand]

	(visual-line-selection) \rh
	(visual-line-selection) \rv

	RunView runs user-selected lines, selected either via a range provided
	to the RunView command or by visual-line selection (V), through a
	filter.  By default, the filter is ksh; however, the runview-filtcmd
	can be set (let g:runview_filtcmd="someotherfilter") in your <.vimrc>
	to override this.  The RunView command lets you specify the filter
	on the command line, too.

	However, if the filtercommand has a "%" in it, then the current file
	name is substituted for the "%" and executed by  :r! filtercommand .

	The output is placed in a separate window; it is horizontally (\rh) or
	vertically (\rv) placed.  Source code is left unchanged and visible.

	Without the !, the RunView command uses vertically stacked windows.
	With the !, the RunView command uses horizontally adjacent windows.

	As an example, consider the file:
		echo "one"
		echo "two"
		echo "three"
		:%RunView! ksh
	the source code window is left on top, but the results of filtering
	the three lines is shown below it:
		echo "one"
		echo "two"
		echo "three"
		RunView ksh Output Window
		=== 01/02/05 06:07:08 ===
	RunView provides a title and a separator.  Subsequent applications
	of RunView will append a new separator line plus the new filter

	The package contains:

3. Options				runview-option runview-options

                      Option Variable     Default Value
                      -----------------   -------------
   runview-filtcmd  g:runview_filtcmd   "ksh"
   runview-swapwin  g:runview_swapwin   1

	The g:runview_filtcmd specifies the default application that will
	be used to filter lines.

	One may use b:runview_filtcmd , too (see buffer-variable).
	This variant works well with ftplugins; ie. one can have
	the action that :RV takes depend on the filetype.

	If g:runview_swapwin is true, then the source lines and output
	window will be swapped (horizontal: top<>bottom, vertical:left<>right).

4. History						runview-history

	v3 	Nov 25, 2013 *	various bug fixes
		Jul 02, 2015 *	changed %d to use blackhole register (%d _)
		Jan 12, 2018 *	improved decision concerning when to append
				vs when to create a new window for output
	v2	Jan 07, 2009 *	Updated syntax highlighting.
				Changed default to vertical split
		Jul 20, 2010 *	runview buffer now a scratch buffer
				(see special-buffers)
		Nov 08, 2011 *	added "%" to let filtercommand take a filename
	v1	Oct 26, 2005 *	Initial release

vim: ts=8