cecscope.txt Charles E Campblell's Cscope Plugin Sep 18, 2013
Author: Charles E. Campbell <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
(remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
Copyright: (c) 2004-2013 by Charles E. Campbell cecscope-copyright
The VIM LICENSE applies to cecscope.vim and cecscope.txt
(see copyright) except use "cecscope" instead of "Vim".
No warranty, express or implied. Use At-Your-Own-Risk.
Note: Required:
* your :version of vim must have +cscope
* vim 7.0aa snapshot#188 or later for the "quickfix" display
1. Contents cecscope-contents
1. Contents............................: cecscope-contents
2. Installing cecscope.................: cecscope-install
3. Cescope Manual......................: cecscope-manual
3. Cescope Tutorial....................: cecscope-tutorial
5. Cescope History.....................: cecscope-history
2. Installing cecscope cecscope-install
1. vim cecscope.vba.gz
2. :so %
3. :q
Cecscope now requires vim 7.2 or later; it uses the fnameescape() function
to avoid certain security problems. It is possible to use "carefully
crafted filenames" to cause vim to execute arbitrary commands otherwise.
Admittedly, most such filenames are obviously bad apples.
Using vim 7.2 also means that your vimball plugin is reasonably
up-to-date, which is used by the install process.
3. Cescope Manual cecscope-manual
:CS [cdefgist] : cscope command handler
:CSL[!] [cdefgist] : locallist/quickfix style (! restores efm)
:CSS[!] [cdefgist] : split window and use cscope
:CSH : give quick help on how to use cecscope
:CSR : cscope reset
! split vertically
c (calls) find functions calling function under cursor
d (called) find functions called by function under cursor
e (egrep) egrep search for the word under cursor
f (file) open the file named under cursor
g (global) find global definition(s) of word under cursor
i (includes) find files that #include file named under cursor
s (symbol) find all references to the word under cursor
t (text) find all instances of the word under cursor
A simple
will initialize cscope, building its database if necessary. What
:CS will do:
Thus :CS will search for and attempt to use a cscope database,
building one if necessary.
In addition, when using gvim, there is a menu interface under the
"DrChip" label with all of the above options mentioned. The first
four items are taken from:
Use Messages Display
Use Horiz Split Display
Use Vert Split Display
Use Quickfix Display
The "Use" method that's currently active will not be present (initially,
that's the "Use Messages Display").
For special options to be passed to cscope for database building, set
g:cecscope_dboptions to the desired string. For example, to use all
source files in a so-called namefile:
One must explicitly list *.cpp, *.c, and *.C files, for example, in
such a file.
By default, the location-list for cecscope, used for displaying results,
is given by:
You may change this in your .vimrc (Windows: _vimfiles) file.
By default, the :CSR command ("cscope reset") resets the connection and
rebuilds the database. If this option is set (to a non-zero value), only
the connection will be reset.
4. Cescope Tutorial cecscope-tutorial
To use this plugin you'll need to have vim 7.0aa, snapshot#188 or later,
and your version should have +cscope. To check that latter condition,
either look for +cscope through the output of
or type
You'll need to recompile your vim if you don't have +cscope.
Once you have your cscope-enabled vim, then change directory to wherever
you have some C code. Type
and the cscope database will be generated (<cscope.out>). If you don't
have a cscope database, the file specified by the environment variable
will be used. Sadly, otherwise cecscope.vim will issue a warning message.
Assuming you're using gvim: Select
This will make the information from cscope show up in a local quickfix
window (see :lopen). The other modes allow one to see cscope messages
as regular messages (which will shortly disappear) or in another window.
Place your cursor atop some function that you've written:
and you'll see a locallist window open up which tells you something like
To jump to that entry, type
To jump to the next entry, type
To jump to the previous entry, type
You can also switch windows (ex. <ctrl-w>j, see window-move-cursor)
to the locallist window, move the cursor about normally, then hit the
<cr> to jump to the selection.
You could've done the above using the command line! Again, just
place your cursor atop some function that you've written, then type:
You may use the :ll, :lne, and :lp commands as before.
Just type
for a quick help display. Of course, you can always type :
5. Cescope History cecscope-history
v5 Nov 25, 2008 * csqfkeep wasn't always defined when used; fixed
Jun 23, 2009 * 'csprg' option used to specify cscope program
Oct 11, 2010 * included search from current file's directory upwards
Feb 22, 2011 * for menus, &go =~# used to insure correct case
Apr 27, 2012 * (Saurabh Sarpal) provided a patch for
Sep 18, 2013 * (Saurabh Sarpal) provided a patch instituting
the g:cecscope_no_rebuild option
v4 Nov 12, 2008 * csqf kept if has("quickfix") is true
* vim 7.2 required, and warning message is issued if
vim isn't 7.2 (or later)
* fnameescape() used for security purposes (thus vim 7.2)
* help menu fixed
v3 Oct 12, 2006 * removed "silent" from cscope calls; it prevented the
selector from appearing.
v1 Jan 30, 2006 * initial release