cecutil.txt DrChip's Utilities Jul 01, 2016
Author: Charles E. Campbell <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
(remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
Copyright: (c) 2004-2006 by Charles E. Campbell cecutil-copyright
The VIM LICENSE applies to cecutil.vim and cecutil.txt
(see copyright) except use "cecutil" instead of "Vim"
No warranty, express or implied. Use At-Your-Own-Risk.
1. Contents cecutil cecutil-contents
1. Contents.................: cecutil-contents
2. Positioning..............: cecutil-posn
3. Marks....................: cecutil-marks
4. Maps.....................: cecutil-maps
5. History..................: cecutil-history
2. Positioning cecutil-posn cecutil-position
let winposn= SaveWinPosn() cecutil-savewinposn
This operation will save window position in winposn variable and
on a (buffer local) b:winposn{} stack.
call SaveWinPosn()
This function will save window position in b:winposn{b:iwinposn}
let winposn= SaveWinPosn(0)
This operation will _only_ save the window position in winposn variable.
Ie. the window position will not appear on the b:winposn{} stack. You
will then need to use RestoreWinPosn(winposn) to restore to this window
call RestoreWinPosn() cecutil-restorewinposn
This function call will use the local buffer b:winposn{} stack to
restore the last window position saved therein. It will also
pop the stack.
call RestoreWinPosn(winposn)
This function call will use the winposn variable and restore
the window position accordingly. It will also search the
stack and remove any similar entry from the stack.
cecutil-map cecutil-cmd cecutil-swp cecutil-rwp
\swp : save current window position (uses the b:winposn{} stack)
:SWP like \swp, but provided as a command
\rwp : restore window position (uses the b:winposn{} stack)
:RWP like \rwp, but provided as a command
3. Marks cecutil-marks
call SaveMark(markname) cecutil-savemark
let savemark= SaveMark(markname)
SM markname
This function saves a string in the global variable
which contains sufficient information to completely restore the
position of a mark. It also returns that string.
call RestoreMark(markname) cecutil-restoremark
call RestoreMark(savemark)
This function either takes a single-character string (ex. "a") and uses
g:savemark_{markname} to restore the mark position or assumes that
the string passed to it is a SaveMark() string (and uses it to restore
the mark).
call DestroyMark(markname) cecutil-destroymark
The DestroyMark() function completely removes a mark. It does this
by saving the window position, copying line one, putting the
to-be-destroyed mark on that new line, deleting the new line, and
then restoring the window position. The windows' modified status
is preserved.
4.Maps cecutil-maps
call SaveUserMaps(mapmode,maplead,mapchx,suffix)
This function sets up a script-variable (ie. a variable that can
generally be accessed only from within cecutil's own functions; see
s:var) called s:restoremap_SUFFIX, where the suffix is specified by
the "suffix" argument.
The selected user's maps are saved by appending a restoration command
to this variable; the RestoreUserMaps() (cecutil-restoreusermaps)
function uses the contents of this variable to restore user maps.
mapmode - (see maparg()for additional information)
leading "u": SaveUserMaps() will unmap any existing
map matches after saving them
leading "b": the map(s) have a <buffer> qualifier
"" : normal, visual, and operator-pending
"n" : normal mode maps
"o" : operator pending maps
"i" : insert mode maps
"c" : command line maps
"l" : language map (see language-mapping)
maplead - The single letter maps being saved are assumed to have
the form
ex. maplead="\" and mapchx="abc" saves mappings for
Of course, if maplead is "", then for mapchx="abc",
mappings for just a, b, and c are saved.
mapchx - This argument specifies which mapped keys to save.
- "<something>" handled as a single map item.
- "string" a string of single letters which are actually
multiple two-letter maps (ie. maplead + character).
- :something handled as a single map item, w/o the ":"
will save the user mapping for "abc"
suffix - a string unique to your plugin
This suffix is appended to the internal save
variable name.
Some examples follow:
mapmode is "n" : normal maps are to be saved
maplead is "" : no mapleader is used
mapchx : normal mode maps for w, e, b, W, E, B, j,
k, l, etc (if any) are all saved
suffix : saving is done using the variable
This example is just like the previous one, except that
maplead is '\' : so normal mode maps for \w, \e, \b, ...
will be saved.
The normal mode map (if any) for the <up> key is saved in
the variable s:restoremaps_DrawIt
The normal mode map for
(if any) is saved in the variable s:restoremaps_HiMtchBrkt
call RestoreUserMaps(suffix)
The usermaps saved by SaveUserMaps() with the given suffix will be
restored (ie. s:restoremaps_{suffix}). Example:
will restore all user maps redefined for the HiMtchBrkt plugin
5. History cecutil-history {{{1
v18 Aug 27, 2008 : * after norm! 0 (ie. cursor at left hand side),
a wincol() normally returns 1. However, with
signs enabled, wincol() returned 3, and the
result was that RestoreWinPosn() was beeping
(near the "seems to be something odd" comment)
Aug 20, 2009 * changed some keep&restore options to use local
options rather than global ones.
* adjust saved window column for being past the
end-of-line (which can happen with 'virtualedit')
* with wrap enabled, lines longer than the
window width (which take several screen lines)
caused SaveWinPosn() to not restore the window
line correctly.
* fixed some map save and restore issues with
handling <buffer> maps
Apr 05, 2010 * (Greg Klein) keepjumps used more often to prevent
adding unwanted lines to the jump table (jumps)
* (Greg Klein) moved screenline adjusting to a
separate function (s:WinLineRestore) as having a
while loop embedded in a string for execution,
even with :keepjumps, added lines to the jump
* (Greg Klein) fixed s:WinLineRestore() so that it
wouldn't hang on shorter than a screen text but
having longer than screenwidth lines.
Jul 01, 2016 * Changed SaveWinPosn() and RestoreWinPosn() to use
winsaveview() and winrestview()
v17 Sep 04, 2007 : * new function, QArgSplitter(), included
v16 Oct 30, 2006 : * com -> com! so AsNeeded is happier
Feb 12, 2007 * fixed a bug where :somemap (a map of "somemap")
did not use the optional mapleader (so it'd be
a map of "\somemap", if "\" is the mapleader).
(problem pointed out by Michael Zhang)
v15 Jan 25, 2006 : * bypass for report option for DestroyMark() included
* SaveWinPosn() and RestoreWinPosn() now handle an
empty buffer
* b:(varname) now use b:cecutil_(varname)
* map restoration improved
v14 Jan 23, 2006 : * bypasses for si, so, and siso options included
Jan 25, 2006 * SaveUserMaps' mapmode argument, heretofore just
a single letter (see maparg()), now accepts a
leading "u". If present, SaveUserMaps() will
do an unmap.
v13 Jan 12, 2006 : * SaveUserMaps() was saving user maps but then also
unmap'ing them. HiMtchBrkt needed to append a
function call to maps, not overwrite them. So
the new SaveUserMaps() just saves user maps,
leaving their definitions in place.
Jan 18, 2006 * keepjumps used to avoid jumplist changes when
using SaveWinPosn() and RestoreWinPosn()
v12 Dec 29, 2005 : * bugfix (affected Mines.vim)
v11 Dec 29, 2005 : * two new functions (SaveUserMaps() and
RestoreUserMaps() )
v10 Nov 22, 2005 : * SaveWinPosn bugfix
v9 Jun 02, 2005 : * <q-args> produces a "" argument when there are
no arguments, which caused difficulties. Fixed.
v8 Apr 22, 2005 : * <q-args> used to handle marknames with commands
Thus, :DM a will delete mark a
v7 Mar 10, 2005 : * removed zO from saved window position; caused
problems with ftplugin/currfunc.vim
* doing a SWP and RWP on an empty buffer produced
"empty buffer" messages; now these are ignored
Apr 13, 2005 * command (SWP RWP MP SP etc) now have -bar so
that the "|" can be used to chain such commands
v6 Feb 17, 2005 : * improved SaveMark() and RestoreMark()
v5 Jan 18, 2005 : * s:loaded_winposn changed to g:loaded_cecutil
v4 Oct 25, 2004 : * changed com! to com so that error messages will
be given when there's a command-name conflict
v3 May 19, 2004 : * bugfix: the sequence \swp\rwp wasn't working right
* bugfix: \swp...\rwp was echoing the current
line when the \rwp should've been silent
* improved Dfunc/Decho/Dret debugging