drcstubs.txt DrChip's C Stubs Apr 03, 2013
Author: Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
(remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
Copyright: (c) 2004-2013 by Charles E. Campbell drcstubs-copyright
The VIM LICENSE applies to drcstubs.vim and drcstubs.txt
(see copyright) except use "drcstubs" instead of "Vim"
No warranty, express or implied. Use At-Your-Own-Risk.
1. Contents drcstubs drcstubs-contents
1. Contents.............................: drcstubs-contents
2. Usage................................: drcstubs-usage
C Language Support...................: drcstubs-c
LaTeX Language Support...............: drcstubs-tex
Vim Language Support.................: drcstubs-vim
3. Installation.........................: drcstubs-install
4. History..............................: drcstubs-history
2. Usage drcstubs-usage
All of the DrCStubs ftplugin scripts provide maps which work during insert
mode. One may use either the shorthand or longhand maps to invoke the
corresponding imap. They are invoked whenever a string is followed by
a backquote.
One major advantage of these imaps is that they, in turn, take advantage of
the user's cindent settings and/or indentation scripts. Thus the result
should be as if the user had typed them him/herself.
These imaps will not operate if "set paste:" is on.
In the maps below:
An "X" is where the cursor will end up after the map is invoked.
An "Y" is where the cursor will end up after an <esc> is pressed.
An "Z" is where the cursor will end up after an <esc> is pressed twice.
A "|" means a newline.
Another form of help is available by typing
i` if` if(X) {Y}
e` els[e]` else {X}
ei` eli[f]` else if(X) {Y}
er` if(xmerror)(*xmerror)(XTDIO_WARNING,"(X) Y\n");
f` for\=` for(X;;) {Y}
w` wh[ile]` while(X) {Y}
s` sw[itch]` switch(X) {Y}
c` ca[se]` case X: Y break;
d` defa[ult]` default: Y break;
` do` do {X} while(Y);
E` Ed[bg]` Edbg((\"func(X)\"Y));
R` Rd[bg]` Rdbg((\"funcX\"Y));
D` Dp[rintf]` Dprintf((1,\"X\"Y));
in[clude]` #include X
de[fine]` #define X
#` #ifdef X ... #endif
LATEX SUPPORT drcstubs-tex drcstubs-latex
--------- -------- -------
align` \begin{align}X\end{align}
arr` array` \left[\begin{array}{ccc}X\end{array}\right]
ctr` center` \begin{center}X\end{center}
desc` description` \begin{description}\item[X]\end{sdescription}
enum` enumerate` \begin{enumerate}|\item X|\end{enumerate}
eps` epsf` \begin{figure}[H]\centering\framebox{\epsfbox{X.eps}}\end{figure}
eqn` equation` \begin{equation}X\end{equation}
eqn*` equation*` \begin{equation*}X\end{equation*}
eqna` eqnarray` \begin{eqnarray}|X&=& Y \\|\end{eqnarray}
eqna*` eqnarray*` \begin{eqnarray*}|X&=& Y \\|\end{eqnarray*}
fig` figure` \begin{figure}[H]\centering \framebox{X} \caption{CAPTION HERE} \end{figure}
flalign` fla` \begin{flalign}X\end{flalign}
flalign*` fla*` \begin{flalign*}X\end{flalign*}
frac` \frac{X}{Y}
gat` gather` \begin{gather}X\end{gather}
i` \item X
i` \item[X] Y (if vim v7, and in a description block)
item` itemize` \begin{itemize}|\item X|\end{itemize}
mat` matrix` \left[\begin{array}{cc} X & & \\|& & \end{array}\right]
mini` minipage` \begin{minipage}[H]{4in}X\end{minipage}
multc` multicol` \multicolumn{1}{X}{MultiColumn}
multl` multline` \begin{multline}X\end{multline}
split` \begin{equation}\begin{split}X\end{split}\end{equation}
tab` tabular` (too long for here)
ptab` ptabular` \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{X}\end{tabular}\end{center}
v` \verb`X`
verb` verbatim` \begin{verbatim}X\end{verbatim}
--------- -------- -------
bf` \textbf{}
it` \textit{}
rm` \textrm{}
sc` \textsc{}
sf` \textsf{}
sl` \textsl{}
tt` \texttt{}
mtt` \mathtt{}
mrm` \mathrm{}
mbf` \mathbf{}
msf` \mathsf{}
mtt` \mathtt{}
mit` \mathit{}
mcal` \mathcal{}
--------- ------- --------- -------
a` \alpha v \nu
b` \beta f \xi
g` \gamma p \pi
d` \delta vp \varpi
e` \epsilon r \rho
ve` \varepsilon vr \varrho
z` \zeta s \sigma
n` \eta v \varsigma
t` \theta t \tau
vt` \vartheta u \upsilon
io` \iota h \phi
k` \kappa vh \varphi
l` \lambda x \chi
m` \mu q \psi
w` \omega
SH SUPPORT drcstubs-sh
--------- -------- -------
ca[se]` c` case X in Y esac
fo[r]` f` for X in Y ; do Z done
if` i` if [[X]]; thenYfi
eli[f]` ei` elif [[X]]; then Y
els[e]` e` else X
fu[nction]` function X { Y }
wh[ile]` w` while [[ X ]]; do Y done
VIM SUPPORT drcstubs-vim
--------- -------- -------
i if if X endif
e els[e] else X
ei eli[f] elseif X
fu[nction] fun! X ( Y ) endfun
w wh[ile] while X endwhile
F Df[unc] call Dfunc("func(X)")Y
R Dr[et] call Dret("return func X")
D De[echo] call Decho("X")Y
3. Installation drcstubs-install
a) place drcstubs.tar.gz in your
Unix: $HOME/.vim
Windows: ..wherever..\vimfiles
b) gunzip drcstubs.tar.gz
c) tar -oxvf drcstubs.tar
d) Unix:
:helptags ~/.vim/doc
:helptags ..wherever../vimfiles/doc
e) Have a line in your <.vimrc> file such as:
filetype plugin indent on
The next time you bring up vim with one of the supported filetypes
(C, C, LaTeX, Vim, sh-ksh-bash) the Drcstubs maps will be available
for use. They work best if you've set up cindent (see 'cinoptions');
the one I use follows, but may well not be the style to which you are
set cino=>s,e0,n0,f0,{0,}4,^-1s,:0,=s,g0,h1s,p2,t0,+2,(2,)20,*30
You'll also want automatic indentation. Vim comes with several such
scripts; the ones I've customized are available at
4. History drcstubs-history
4 Sep 12, 2011 : added some *-versions (eqn*, eqna*, fla*, etc)
3 Jun 29, 2009 : put silent! on iunmenu calls to prevent unwanted
error messages when inappropriately invoked.
vim: ts=4