mathmenu.txt DrChip's Math Keymap and Menu              Jan 13, 2011

Author:  Charles E. Campbell, Jr.  <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
Copyright: (c) 2009-2011 by Charles E. Campbell, Jr.       mathmenu-copyright
           The VIM LICENSE applies to keytab/math.vim,
           plugin/mathmenuPlugin.vim, autoload/mathmenu.vim, and
           doc/mathmenu.txt (see copyright) except use "mathmenu"
           instead of "Vim".

You may find the following map helpful to handle folds such as are in this
help file: >
 nno <silent> <space> :exe 'sil! norm! '.((foldclosed('.')>0)? 'zMzx' : 'zc')<cr>
(just hit the space bar in normal mode and the fold will alternate between
 being open and closed)

1. Contents                               mathmenu mathmenu-contents {{{1

   1. Contents..........................................mathmenu-contents
   2. Installation......................................mathmenu-install
   3. Usage.............................................mathmenu-usage
      Superscripting and Subscripting Maps..............mathmenu-maps
      Greekify Map......................................mathmenu-mathify
      The Menu..........................................mathmenu-menu
        box characters..................................mathmenu-box
      The Keymap........................................mathmenu-keymap
   4. History...........................................mathmenu-history

2. Installation                               mathmenu-install {{{1

To install the plugin, type >

   vim math.vba.gz
   :so %
If you're on Windows, your o/s doesn't come with a utility designed to
decompress gzip files.  See vimball-windows for some ideas on how to get a
Windows tool to decompress gzip files.

3. Usage                                     mathmenu-usage {{{1

This plugin provides three ways to help you select a math glyph:

        * via a keymap  (see mathmenu-keymap, keymap) >
                :set kmp=math
<         With the math keymap provided one may type ^0, for example, and get
          a superscripted 0 (⁰).  When I use this mode I use a map to toggle
          between the math keymap and normal typing; that map is given in
          mathmenu-keymap.  To see the tables for all the keymapped
          character sequences, see mathmenu-menu below.

        * via menu with gvim (see mathmenu-menu)
          These menus are active when one is in gvim's insert mode; then one
          may choose a glyph from the menus.  By default, its
          DrChip.Mathkeys.[some category].[glyph] .  One may change "DrChip",
          the top level menu label; see mathmenu-options.

        * via "mathify" maps (see mathmenu-mathify).  This method is the one
          that I myself most often use.  With it one types characters such as
          01234abc, selects it with visual mode (typically v or ctrl-v),
          and then types ^ (for superscripting), _ (for subscripting), or
          & (for substitute).  The result for 01234 and ^ is ⁰¹²³⁴ and
          for abc is αβψ.

The mathmenu plugin's glyphs are intended to be used with utf-8 encoding (try
typing :echo &enc; the result should be "utf-8"; see 'encoding') .   If the
symbols herein don't appear correctly, and your encoding is utf-8, then it may
be that your font doesn't support the mathematical glyphs - I suggest that you
then try other fonts.  I haven't found a good Windows font yet (ie. one that
supports _all_ the characters in the tables below) -- please let me know if
you know of one and how to install it if necessary, and I'll include that
information in future versions of this help file.  I myself am using
"Luxi Mono Bold" with Linux. >
        set guifont=Luxi\ Mono\ Bold\ 10


There are two maps which take visually selected text and converts supported
characters to superscripts or subscripts, respectively. >

        Superscripting:  ^
        Subscripting  :  _
For example: type >
and then visually select it (using V, v, or ctrl-v) and then type: >
The result should be a superscript version of "1": ¹

MATHIFY MAP                               mathmenu-mathify {{{2
The "&" key transforms visually selected roman characters (a-z and A-Z),
converting them to associated Greek characters.  The "mathify",
superscripting, and subscripting maps are enabled with >

For example: type >
and then visually select it (using V, v, or ctrl-v) and then type: >
The result should be a "math-ified" version of "abc": αβψ

If you would prefer to have mathmenu start up with visual-mode math maps
available, put MathStart into a ~/.vim/after/plugin/mathmenu.vim file.

In addition to the transformations into Greek characters, the following
characters are also transformed as shown in the table below: >

            | From |To | From |To | From |To |
            |      |   |  +   | ∑ |  .   | ⡀ |
            |  -   | ― |  *   | ∏ |  q   | ⠂ |
            |  |   | │ |  .   | ∙ |  Q   | ⠁ |
            |  2   | ½ |  $   | √ | v|   | ⋮ |
            |  3   | ⅓ |  !>= | ≱ | v-   | ⋯ |
            |  4   | ¼ |  !<= | ≰ | v\   | ⋱ |
            |  5   | ⅕ |  !=  | ≠ | v/   | ⋰ |
            |  6   | ⅙ |  !>  | ≯ |      |   |
            |  8   | ∞ |  !<  | ≮ |      |   |
THE MENU                                     mathmenu-menu {{{2

With mathmenuPlugin.vim in your plugin directory, a minimalist menu appears
as >
You may change the top-level menu label (ie. "DrChip");
see mathmenu-g:DrChipTopLvlMenu.

Once enabled, there are eleven subcategories (and a Disable).  These
subcategories are only active when vim is insert, replace, or
ex- modes.

            Capitals      Fractions  Operators
            LowerCase     Arrows     Relationals
            Superscripts  Grouping   Sets
            Subscripts    Misc

Each category contains a number of symbols which you may select with the
mouse.  See mathmenu-keymap to learn how to use the keymap shorthand.

GREEK CAPITALS                                mathmenu-capitals {{{2
        Name    Keymap  Character       Name    Keymap  Character
        Alpha   GA      Α             Mu      GM      Μ
        Beta    GB      Β             Nu      GN      Ν
        Psi     GC      Ψ             Omikron GO      Ο
        Delta   GD      Δ             Pi      GP      Π
        Epsilon GE      Ε             Rho     GR      Ρ
        Phi     GF      Φ             Sigma   GS      Σ
        Gamma   GG      Γ             Tau     GT      Τ
        Eta     GH      Η             Theta   GU      Θ
        Iota    GI      Ι             Omega   GV      Ω
        Xi      GJ      Ξ             Chi     GX      Χ
        Kappa   GK      Κ             Upsilon GY      Υ
        Lambda  GL      Λ             Zeta    GZ      Ζ

GREEK LOWER CASE                              mathmenu-lowercase {{{2
        Name    Keymap  Character       Name    Keymap  Character
        alpha   a       α               xi      j       ξ
        beta    b       β               omicron o       ο
        gamma   g       γ               pi      p       π
        delta   d       δ               varpi   vp      ϖ
        epsilon e       ϵ               rho     r       ρ
     varepsilon ve      ε               varrho  vr      ϱ
        zeta    z       ζ               sigma   s       σ
        eta     h       η            varsigma   vs      ς
        theta   u       θ               tau     t       τ
     vartheta   vu      ϑ               upsilon y       υ
        iota    i       ι               phi     f       φ
        kappa   k       κ               varphi  vf      ϕ
        lambda  l       λ               chi     x       χ
        mu      m       μ               psi     c       ψ
        nu      n       ν               omega   w       ω

SUPERSCRIPTS                            mathmenu-superscripts {{{2
        Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character
        ^0      ⁰             ^d      ᵈ             ^A      ᴬ
        ^1      ¹             ^e      ᵉ             ^B      ᴮ
        ^2      ²             ^f      ᶠ             ^D      ᴰ
        ^3      ³             ^g      ᵍ             ^E      ᴱ
        ^4      ⁴             ^h      ʰ             ^G      ᴳ
        ^5      ⁵             ^i      ⁱ             ^H      ᴴ
        ^6      ⁶             ^j      ʲ             ^I      ᴵ
        ^7      ⁷             ^k      ᵏ             ^J      ᴶ
        ^8      ⁸             ^l      ˡ             ^K      ᴷ
        ^9      ⁹             ^m      ᵐ             ^L      ᴸ
        ^+      ⁺             ^n      ⁿ             ^M      ᴹ
        ^-      ⁻             ^o      ᵒ             ^N      ᴺ
        ^<      ˂             ^p      ᵖ             ^O      ᴼ
        ^>      ˃             ^r      ʳ             ^P      ᴾ
        ^/      ˊ             ^s      ˢ             ^R      ᴿ
        ^^      ˄             ^t      ᵗ             ^T      ᵀ
        ^(      ⁽             ^u      ᵘ             ^U      ᵁ
        ^)      ⁾             ^v      ᵛ             ^W      ᵂ
        ^,      ʾ             ^x      ˣ
        ^a      ᵃ             ^w      ʷ
        ^b      ᵇ             ^y      ʸ
        ^c      ᶜ             ^z      ᶻ

SUBSCRIPTS                                mathmenu-subscripts {{{2
        Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character
        _0      ₀               _(      ₍
        _1      ₁               _)      ₎
        _2      ₂               _^      ‸
        _3      ₃               _a      ₐ
        _4      ₄               _e      ₑ
        _5      ₅               _i      ᵢ
        _6      ₆               _o      ₒ
        _7      ₇               _r      ᵣ
        _8      ₈               _u      ᵤ
        _9      ₉               _v      ᵥ
        _+      ₊               _x      ₓ
        _-      ₋

FRACTIONS                                  mathmenu-fractions
        Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character
        F12     ½               F45     ⅘
        F13     ⅓               F16     ⅙
        F23     ⅔               F56     ⅚
        F14     ¼               F18     ⅛
        F34     ¾               F38     ⅜
        F15     ⅕               F58     ⅝
        F25     ⅖               F78     ⅞
        F35     ⅗

ARROWS                               mathmenu-arrows {{{2
        Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character
        -<      ⟵             IFF     ⟺
        ->      ⟶             \|-<    ↤
        <->     ↔             \|->    ↦
        =<      ⟸             \|=<    ⟽
        =>      ⟹             \|=>    ⟾

GROUPING SYMBOLS                             mathmenu-grouping {{{2
        Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character
        [[      ⟦             M]      ⎥
        ]]      ⟧             B]      ⎦
        2[      ⟦             U{      ⎧
        2]      ⟧             M{      ⎨
        B<      ⟨             B{      ⎩
        B>      ⟩             U}      ⎫
        U(      ⎛             M}      ⎬
        M(      ⎜             B}      ⎭
        B(      ⎝             V(      ︵
        U)      ⎞             V)      ︶
        M)      ⎟             V[      ︹
        B)      ⎠             V]      ︺
        U[      ⎡             V{      ︷
        M[      ⎢             V}      ︸
        B[      ⎣             V<      ︿
        U]      ⎤             V>      ﹀

MISCELLANEOUS                          mathmenu-misc {{{2
        Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character
        ARC     ⌒             RC      ⌉
        QED     ∎             LF      ⌊
        QED     ‣             RF      ⌋
        INF     ∞             __      ⎯
        ANG     ∡             --      ─
        |...    ⋮             ==      ═
        ...     ⋯             HB      ―
        /...    ⋰             VB      ┃
        \...    ⋱             BB      ‖
        DU      ⠁             SH      ℋ
        DM      ⠂             SI      ℑ
        DD      ⡀             SL      ℒ
        LC      ⌈             SR      ℜ

OPERATORS                                  mathmenu-operators {{{2
        Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character
        O\.     ⨀            Scw     ∲             P2      ″
        O+      ⨁            Sccw    ∳             P3      ‴
        Ox      ⨂            PD      ∂
        U\.     ⨃            JN      ⨝
        U+      ⨄            TF      ∴
        IN      ∩            BC      ∵
        UN      ∪            PAR     ∥
        CAP     ∩            NPAR    ∦
        CUP     ∪            SUM     ∑
        SQCAP   ⨅            USUM    ⎲
        SQCUP   ⨆            BSUM    ⎳
        X       ⨉            PRD     ∏
        MUL     ×            RING    ∘
        1S      ∫            BU      ∙
        2S      ∬            AST     ∗
        3S      ∭            LA      ⁎
        4S      ⨌            SQRT    √
        US      ⌠            CUBR    ∛
        MS      ⎮            FORR    ∜
        BS      ⌡            DEL     ∆
        S-      ⨍            GRAD    ∇
        S=      ⨎            NAB     ∇
        S/      ⨏            DIAM    ⋄
        So      ∮            R/      ∕
        SSo     ∯            L/      ∖
        SSSo    ∰             P1      ′

RELATIONAL SYMBOLS                         mathmenu-relationals {{{2
        Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character
        <=      ≤             ><      ≷
        \>=     ≥             !=      ≠
        <~      ⪝             ID      ≡
        >~      ⪞             EQV     ≍
        <<      ⟪             JOIN    ⋈
        >>      ⟫             NID     ≢
        ~       ∼             O+      ⊕
        N~      ≁             O-      ⊖
        R~      ∽             Ox      ⊗
        -~      ≂             O/      ⊘
        ~-      ≃             O\.     ⊙
        =~      ≅             Oo      ⊚
        !~-     ≄             +-      ±
        ~~      ≈             -+      ∓
        =\.     ≐             PERP    ⊥
        EST     ≙             PROP    ∝
        !~~     ≉             PREC    ≺
        <>      ≶             SUCC    ≻

SETS                                   mathmenu-sets {{{2
        Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character
        SUB     ⊂             EMP     ∅
        NSUB    ⊄             EL      ∈
        ESUB    ⊆             NEL     ∉
        NESUB   ⊈             C       ℂ
        SUP     ⊃             H       ℍ
        NSUP    ⊅             N       ℕ
        ESUP    ⊇             R       ℝ
        NESUP   ⊉             Q       ℚ
        LAND    ∧             Z       ℤ
        LOR     ∨             ALL     ∀
        EX      ∃             *       ∗
        NEX     ∄

BOX CHARACTERS                        mathmenu-box {{{2
        Keymap  Character       Keymap  Character
        B-      ─               HD|     ┇
        B|      │               HBUL    ┏
        DSH-    ┄               HBDL    ┗
        DSH|    ┆               HBUR    ┓
        BUL     ┌               HBDR    ┛
        BDL     └               HC+     ╋
        BUR     ┐               HCl     ┫
        BDR     ┘               HCr     ┣
        C+      ┼               HCd     ┳
        Cl      ┤               HCu     ┻
        Cr      ├               D-      ═
        Cd      ┬               D|      ║
        Cu      ┴               DUL     ╔
        HB-     ━               DDL     ╚
        HB|     ┃               DUR     ╗
        HD-     ┅               DDR     ╝

THE KEYMAP                                mathmenu-keymap {{{2

Each symbol is associated with a shorthand sequence of keys which are
supported by the math keymap.  You may use these sequences after
enabling them with: >

        :set kmp=math

You may find the following two maps of use: >

    imap <silent> <c-F6>        <c-o>:if &kmp == ""<bar>
      \set kmp=math<bar>
      \set kmp=<bar>
      \echo "kmp<".&kmp.">"<cr>
    nmap <silent> <c-F6>        :if &kmp == ""<bar>
      \set kmp=math<bar>
      \set kmp=<bar>
      \echo "kmp<".&kmp.">"<cr>

These set the ctrl-F6 key to toggle between the math keymap and no keymap;
if you're accustomed to another keymap, just modify the maps above where
they say "set kmp=<bar>" to "set kmp=YOUR-PREFERRED-KEYMAP".

OPTIONS                                     mathmenu-options {{{2


         The variable g:DrChipTopLvlMenu = "DrChip." by default.  You may
         change this variable in your .vimrc so that the menus reside under
         a different top-level name.

4. History                                mathmenu-history {{{1

  3 : Mar 04, 2010 * more symbols and maps
      Aug 29, 2010 * included g:DrChipTopLvlMenu default value
  2 : Nov 06, 2009 * more symbols and ex-mode support
      Dec 02, 2009 * :MathStart command now starts mathmode
  1 : Jul 28, 2009 * initial release

Modelines: {{{1