mpage.txt	MultiPager        			Dec 01, 2020

Author:    Charles E. Campbell  <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
           (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
Copyright: (c) 2020 by Charles E. Campbell		mpage-copyright
           The VIM LICENSE applies to mpage.vim and mpage.txt
           (see copyright) except use "mpage" instead of "Vim"

1. Contents				MultiPager mpage mpage-contents {{{1

	1. Contents............................................: mpage-contents
	2. Manual..............................................: mpage-manual
	3. History.............................................: mpage-history

2. MultiPager Manual					mpage-manual {{{1

  The purpose of MultiPager is to provide multiple views of a buffer, with
  each sequential window showing sequential lines of text, rather like
  a book.  One may invoke the MPage viewing with either

	:MPage [splits]

  The "splits" parameter tells MultiPager to split the window into that
  many subwindows.  If "splits" is 1, then the window joins those windows
  that are under MultiPage control.  Without the [splits] option, a


  command will turn multipaging off in all the windows holding the current
  buffer in the tab.  Note that this does not "quit" those windows; they are
  simply no longer multi-page synchronized.

  A trailing exclamation point,


  will turn multipaging off in all windows in the current tab.  If you've only
  done multipaging for one buffer, then :MPage and MPage! will have the same

  The command


  will toggle just the current window's participation in multi-paging.
  Multipage, however, defines several maps; user settings will not be restored
  until no more windows displaying the buffer are under MultiPage control.

  As an example, ctrl-f is mapped by MultiPager to do a full page scroll on
  MultiPage-controlled windows, not a full page less two lines as is

					:MPN :MPP
  To advance to the next mpage-controlled window, or to go back to the
  previous mpage-controlled window, use


  respectively.  These commands also accept counts; as in

  	:MPN 2

  These two commands are also optionally followed by a "bang":

	:MPN! 2

   Without the bang, wrapping is permitted; with the bang, wrapping from the
   first/last window (:MPP and :MPN, respectively) is not permitted.

					:mpage-pageup  :mpage-pagedown
  MPage provides the following two maps:

	<PageDown> scroll multi-paging windows forward
	<PageUp>   scroll multi-paging windows backward

  by the number of lines displayed in all the windows under multi-paging
  control.  If one had three windows displaying a buffer under MultiPager
  control, a <PageDown> would scroll to the next three pages (irrespective
  of within which of the three pages the <PageDown> command was issued).

			mpage-Home mpage-End mpage-Delete mpage-s-Delete

  <Home>     will take the current line and make it the top line of the first
             mpage-controlled window
  <End>      will take the current line and make it the last line of the last
             mpage-controlled window
  <Delete>   will remove the current window from mpage control
  <s-Delete> will put the current window under mpage control


  g:mpage_autonxtwin if this variable exists (not the default), then
                     when in insert mode and the line number advances
		     past the end of a mpage-controlled window, then
		     the cursor will be placed at the top of the next
		     mpage controlled window.


  Starting with v4b of RltvNmbr.vim, one may use relative numbering in the
  mpage-linked windows out to ±99 lines.  (the signs column only supports
  two glyphs per line, so that explains the restriction to plus or minus
  99 lines)

  Using vim's built-in relative numbering will show numbering relative to the
  cursor position in each window, independent of whether or not it is under
  :MPage control.


3. MultiPager History					mpage-history {{{1

   v2	Nov 05, 2015	* mpage will use zR on all mpage-controlled windows
			  instead of just the current window when doing
			  up/down page changes.
	Feb 18, 2016	* Change =~ to =~# where appropriate
	Jan 10, 2017	* (Anders Thøgersen) <PageUp> and <PageDown> keys were
			  causing unwanted insertion of text (due to use of
			  windo and bars).
	Sep 20, 2020	* :MPT wasn't toggling a window's mpage participation.
			  s:MpageOn() just incremented s:mpagecount rather
			  than  adding the qty of splits to it.  Fixed.
   v1	Feb 24, 2009	* in visual mode, RestoreWinPosn causes problems.
   			  Bypassed by returning early from ReSync().
	May 04, 2009	* :MPage turns off resync for all windows in a tab
			* :MPage splits  keeps first window as it was,
			  instead of moving it to the last MPage'd window
	May 20, 2009	* cecutil bugfix
	May 21, 2009	* Using SaveUserMaps()-RestoreUserMaps() to do a
			  s:ReSync() call when using ctrl-y or ctrl-e
	Jun 22, 2009    * Added :MPage! support for toggling a window's
			  participation in MPage synchronization.
	May 03, 2010	* removed <c-o>s from maps
	Nov 05, 2010	* added V and v to list of modes that causes s:ReSync()
			  to skip re-synchronization.  Removed m and M; I'm not
			  sure why they were there.
	Jun 01, 2011	* mpage will synchronize in insert mode when the line
			  number changes.
			* when mpage is active, windows are 'nospr' and 'nosb'.
			* g:mpage_autonxtwin implemented
	Nov 02, 2012	* protected all :windo calls by preceding them with
	Jan 14, 2013	* ctrl-f and ctrl-b now move up and down exactly one
			  full page (for MPage windows)
	Jan 15, 2013	* :MPT introduced; :MPage! and :MPage (with no
			  splits specified) have been changed.  All maps are
			  now buffer local.
	Apr 24, 2013	* (David Kotchan) provided a patch permitting MPage
			  to work with a non-zero 'scrolloff'
			  (version 1 released)

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