visincr.txt The Visual Incrementing Tool Nov 22, 2017
Author: Charles E. Campbell <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
(remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email before using)
Copyright: (c) 2004-2015 by Charles E. Campbell visincr-copyright
The VIM LICENSE applies to visincr.vim and visincr.txt
(see copyright) except use "visincr" instead of "Vim"
No warranty, express or implied. Use At-Your-Own-Risk.
1. Contents visincr visincr-contents
1. Contents .......................: visincr
2. Quick Usage ....................: visincr-usage
3. Increasing/Decreasing Lists.....: visincr-increase visincr-decrease
:I [#] .....................: visincr-I
:II [# [zfill]] .............: visincr-II
:IMOD [# [modulus [modoffset]]]: visincr-IMOD
:IREP [# [modulus [modoffset]]]: visincr-IREP
:IB [#] .....................: visincr-IB
:IIB [# [zfill]] .............: visincr-IIB
:IO [#] .....................: visincr-IO
:IIO [# [zfill]] .............: visincr-IIO
:IX [#] .....................: visincr-IX
:IIX [# [zfill]] .............: visincr-IIX
:IYMD [# [zfill]] .............: visincr-IYMD
:IMDY [# [zfill]] .............: visincr-IMDY
:IDMY [# [zfill]] .............: visincr-IDMY
:IA [#] .....................: visincr-IA
:ID [#] .....................: visincr-ID
:IM [#] .....................: visincr-IM
:IPOW [#] .....................: visincr-IPOW
:IIPOW [#] .....................: visincr-IIPOW
4. Examples........................: visincr-examples
:I .............................: ex-visincr-I
:II ............................: ex-visincr-II
:IMDY ..........................: ex-visincr-IMDY
:IYMD ..........................: ex-visincr-IYMD
:IDMY ..........................: ex-visincr-IDMY
:IA ............................: ex-visincr-IA
:ID ............................: ex-visincr-ID
5. Options ........................: visincr-options
6. History ........................: visincr-history
2. Quick Usage visincr-usage
Use ctrl-v to visually select a column of numbers. Then
:I [#] will use the first line's number as a starting point
default increment (#) is 1
will justify left (pad right)
For more, see visincr-I
:II [# [zfill]]
will use the first line's number as a starting point
default increment (#) is 1
default zfill is a blank (ex. :II 1 0)
will justify right (pad left)
For more, see visincr-II
+---+ +----+ +----+
| 8 | | 8 | | 8 |
| 8 | | 9 | | 9 |
| 8 | | 10 | | 10 |
| 8 | | 11 | | 11 |
+---+ +----+ +----+
:IMOD [# [modulus [modoffset]]]
Will use the first line's number as a starting
point like :I; however, counts are displayed
((count - modoffset)%modulus ) + modoffset
default: increment is 1
default: modulus is 10
default: modoffset is 0
For more, see visincr-IMOD
ORIG IMOD 1 3 1 IMOD 1 3
+---+ +----+ +----+
| 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
| 1 | | 2 | | 2 |
| 1 | | 3 | | 0 |
| 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
| 1 | | 2 | | 2 |
| 1 | | 3 | | 0 |
+---+ +----+ +----+
:IREP [# [divisor [divoffset]]]
Will use the first line's number as a starting
point like :I; however, counts are displayed
((count - divoffset )/divisor + divoffset
default: increment is 1
default: divisor is 10
default: divoffset is 0
For more, see visincr-IREP
ORIG IREP 1 2 1 IREP 1 2
+---+ +----+ +----+
| 1 | | 1 | | 0 |
| 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
| 1 | | 2 | | 1 |
| 1 | | 2 | | 2 |
| 1 | | 3 | | 2 |
| 1 | | 3 | | 3 |
+---+ +----+ +----+
For octal and hexadecimal incrementing, use the variants
(the increment is also octal or hexadecimal, respectively)
:IO [#] :IX [#]
:IIO [# [zfil]] :IIX [# [zfill]]
+---+ +----+ +----+
| 6 | | 6 | | 6 |
| 6 | | 7 | | 7 |
| 6 | | 10 | | 10 |
| 6 | | 11 | | 11 |
+---+ +----+ +----+
+---+ +----+ +----+
| 9 | | 9 | | 9 |
| 9 | | a | | a |
| 9 | | b | | b |
| 9 | | c | | c |
| 9 | | d | | d |
| 9 | | e | | e |
| 9 | | f | | f |
| 9 | | 10 | | 10 |
| 9 | | 11 | | 11 |
+---+ +----+ +----+
The following three commands need <calutil.vim> to do
their work:
:IYMD [#] Increment year/month/day dates (by optional # days)
:IMDY [#] Increment month/day/year dates (by optional # days)
:IDMY [#] Increment day/month/year dates (by optional # days)
For more: see visincr-IYMD, visincr-IMDY, and visincr-IDMY
(these calendar-based options require the calutil.vim plugin;
please see visincr-calutil on where to get it)
:ID Increment days by name (Monday, Tuesday, etc). If only
three or fewer letters are highlighted, then only
three-letter abbreviations will be used.
For more: see visincr-ID
:IA Increment alphabetic lists
For more: see visincr-IA
:IM Increment months by name (January, February, etc).
Like ID, if three or fewer letters are highlighted,
then only three-letter abbreviations will be used.
For more: see visincr-IM
:RI :RII :RIMDY :RIDMY :RID :RM visincr-restrict
Restricted variants of the above commands - requires
that the visual block on the current line start with
an appropriate pattern (ie. a number for :I, a
dayname for :ID, a monthname for :IM, etc).
For more, see
Restricted left-justified incrementing......visincr-RI
Restricted right-justified incrementing.....visincr-RII
Restricted year/month/day incrementing......visincr-RIYMD
Restricted month/day/year incrementing......visincr-RIMDY
Restricted day/month/year incrementing......visincr-RIDMY
Restricted dayname incrementing.............visincr-RID
Restricted monthname incrementing...........visincr-RIM
3. Increasing/Decreasing Lists visincr-increase visincr-decrease
visincr-increment visincr-decrement
The visincr plugin facilitates making a column of increasing or decreasing
numbers, dates, or daynames.
:I [#] Will use the first line's number as a starting point to build
a column of increasing numbers (or decreasing numbers if the
increment is negative).
Default increment: 1
Justification : left (will pad on the right)
The IX variant supports hexadecimal incrementing.
The restricted version (:RI) applies number incrementing only
to those lines in the visual block that begin with a number.
See visincr-raggedright for a discussion on ragged-right
:IMOD [# [modulus [modoffset]]] :IMOD visincr-IMOD
Will use the first line's number as a starting point to
build a column of increasing numbers using modulus
arithmetic. Each such number has an optional offset
added to it. Counts are displayed with
Default modulus : 10
Default modoffset: 0
Justification : left (will pad on the right)
:RIMOD visincr-RIMOD
The restricted version (:RIMOD) applies number incrementing
using modulus arithmetic only to those lines in the visual
block that begin with a number.
:IREP [# [divisor [divoffset]]] :IREP visincr-IREP
Will use the first line's number as a starting point to
build a column of increasing numbers using "repeating"
arithmetic. Each such number has an optional offset
added to it. Counts are displayed with
Default divisor : 10
Default divoffset: 0
Justification : left (will pad on the right)
The divisor essentially gives a count of the quantity
of repeats that will be used.
:RIREP visincr-RIREP
The restricted version (:RIREP) applies number incrementing
using repeating arithmetic only to those lines in the visual
block that begin with a number.
:IB visincr-IB :IO visincr-IO :IX visincr-IX
:IB [#] left justified binary incrementing
:IO [#] left justified octal incrementing
:IX [#] left justified hexadecimal incrementing
The commands above are variants of :I. The increments are
in binary, octal, or hexadecimal for their respective commands.
:IR visincr-IR :IIR visincr-IIR
These commands do left (IR) and right (IIR) justified
Roman numeral enumeration. The increment for these
commands is in the usual arabic numerals (ie. decimal)
as Roman numerals don't support negative numbers.
:II [# [zfill]] Will use the first line's number as a starting point
to build a column of increasing numbers (or decreasing numbers
if the increment is negative).
Default increment: 1
Justification : right (will pad on the left)
Zfill : left padding will be done with the given
character, typically a zero.
:IIB visincr-IIB :IIO visincr-IIO :IIX visincr-IIX
:IIB [# [zfill]] Does right-justified binary incrementing
:IIO [# [zfill]] right justified octal incrementing
:IIX [# [zfill]] right justified hexadecimal incrementing
These commands above are variants of :II. Note that the
increments are specified in binary, octal, or hexadecimal,
The restricted version (:RII) applies number incrementing only
to those lines in the visual block that begin with zero or more
spaces and end with a number.
For :I, :II, and variants:
If the visual block is ragged on the right-hand side (as can
easily happen when the "$" is used to select the
right-hand-side), the block will have spaces appended to
straighten it out. If the string length of the count exceeds
the visual-block, then additional spaces will be inserted as
needed. Leading tabs are handled by using virtual column
:IYMD [# [zfill]] year/month/day IYMD visincr-IYMD
:IMDY [# [zfill]] month/day/year IMDY visincr-IMDY
:IDMY [# [zfill]] day/month/year IDMY visincr-IDMY
Will use the starting line's date to construct an increasing
or decreasing list of dates, depending on the sign of the
number. (these options need visincr-calutil)
Default increment: 1 (in days)
visincr-RIYMD visincr-RIMDY visincr-RIDMY
Restricted versions (:RIYMD, :RIMDY, :RIDMY) applies number
incrementing only to those lines in the visual block that
begin with a date (#/#/#).
zfill: since dates include both single and double digits,
to line up the single digits must be padded. By default,
visincr will pad the single-digits in dates with zeros.
However, one may get blank padding by using a backslash
and then a space:
Of course, one may use any charcter for such padding.
By default, English daynames and monthnames are used.
However, one may use whatever daynames and monthnames
one wishes by placing lines such as
in your <.vimrc> initialization file. The two variables
(dow=day-of-week) should be set to a comma-delimited set of
By default, the date dividers are: given by:
You may change the set in your <.vimrc>. The separator actually
used is the first one found in your date column. A date
divider is no longer strictly required (note that \= in the
date divider set). For :IMDY and :IDMY and no date dividers,
the year may be 2 or 4 digits. For :IYMD, the year must be
four digits if there are no date dividers.
Single digit days or months are converted into two characters
by use of
which, by default, is '0'. If you prefer blanks, simply put
into your <.vimrc> file.
For :IYMD, :IMDY, and IDMY:
These options utilize the <calutil.vim> plugin, available as
"Calendar Utilities" at the following url on the web:
:IA Will produce an increasing/decreasing list of alphabetic
:ID [#] Will produce an increasing/decreasing list of daynames.
Three-letter daynames will be used if the first day on the
first line is a three letter dayname; otherwise, full names
will be used.
Restricted version (:RID) applies number incrementing only
to those lines in the visual block that begin with a dayname
(mon tue wed thu fri sat).
:IM [#] will produce an increasing/decreasing list of monthnames.
Monthnames may be three-letter versions (jan feb etc) or
fully-spelled out monthnames.
Restricted version (:RIM) applies number incrementing only
to those lines in the visual block that begin with a
monthname (jan feb mar etc).
:RIPOW visincr-RIPOW visincr-RIIPOW
:IPOW [#] will produce an increasing/decreasing list of powers times
the starting point. The multiplier(divisor)'s default value
is 2.
Restricted versions (:RIPOW and :RIIPOW) applies only
to those lines in the visual block that begin with
a number.
4. Examples: visincr-examples
:I :I 2 ex-visincr-I
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :I Original Select, :I 2
8 8 8 8
8 9 8 10
8 10 8 12
8 11 8 14
8 12 8 16
:I -1 :I -2
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :I -1 Original Select, :I -3
8 8 8 8
8 7 8 5
8 6 8 2
8 5 8 -1
8 4 8 -4
:II :II 2 ex-visincr-II
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :II Original Select, :II 2
8 8 8 8
8 9 8 10
8 10 8 12
8 11 8 14
8 12 8 16
:II -1 :II -2
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :II -1 Original Select, :II -3
8 8 8 8
8 7 8 5
8 6 8 2
8 5 8 -1
8 4 8 -4
:IMDY ex-visincr-IMDY
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :IMDY Original Select, :IMDY 7
06/10/03 6/10/03 06/10/03 06/10/03
06/10/03 6/11/03 06/10/03 06/17/03
06/10/03 6/12/03 06/10/03 06/24/03
06/10/03 6/13/03 06/10/03 07/01/03
06/10/03 6/14/03 06/10/03 07/08/03
:IYMD ex-visincr-IYMD
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :IYMD Original Select, :IYMD 7
03/06/10 03/06/10 03/06/10 03/06/10
03/06/10 03/06/11 03/06/10 03/06/17
03/06/10 03/06/12 03/06/10 03/06/24
03/06/10 03/06/13 03/06/10 03/07/ 1
03/06/10 03/06/14 03/06/10 03/07/ 8
:IDMY ex-visincr-IDMY
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :IDMY Original Select, :IDMY 7
10/06/03 10/06/03 10/06/03 10/06/03
10/06/03 11/06/03 10/06/03 17/06/03
10/06/03 12/06/03 10/06/03 24/06/03
10/06/03 13/06/03 10/06/03 1/07/03
10/06/03 14/06/03 10/06/03 8/07/03
:IA ex-visincr-IA
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :IA Original Select, :IA 2
a) a) A) A)
a) b) A) C)
a) c) A) E)
a) d) A) G)
:ID ex-visincr-ID
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :ID Original Select, :ID 2
Sun Sun Sun Sun
Sun Mon Sun Tue
Sun Tue Sun Thu
Sun Wed Sun Sat
Sun Thu Sun Mon
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :ID Original Select, :ID 2
Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday
Sunday Monday Sunday Monday
Sunday Tuesday Sunday Tuesday
Sunday Wednesday Sunday Wednesday
Sunday Thursday Sunday Thursday
:IM ex-visincr-IM
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :IM Original Select, :IM 2
Jan Jan Jan Jan
Jan Feb Jan Mar
Jan Mar Jan May
Jan Apr Jan Jul
Jan May Jan Sep
Use ctrl-V to Use ctrl-V to
Original Select, :IM Original Select, :IM 2
January January January January
January February January March
January March January May
January April January July
January May January September
5. Options visincr-options
Default values are shown:
Respectively controls
the day of week (ID),
name of month (IM), and
dividers used by IMDY, IYMD, IDMY.
If this variable exists, then "long" commands are provided rather than the
normal ones; that is, all commands will be preceded with "VI_".
In other words, VI_I, VI_II, VI_IMDY, etc., commands are provided.
in your .vimrc (for it to take effect the variable must be set prior to
loading visincrPlugin.vim). Doing this reduces (does not eliminate) the
possibility of command naming conflicts with other plugins.
6. History: visincr-history {{{1
v20: 07/01/08 : Fixed :IIO and :IIX commands when they're given
two arguments (ex. :IIX 1 0).
07//01/08 * Fixed a problem when 'selection' is
"exclusive" as happens with mswin.vim usage.
06//18/09 * Included :IB and :IIB for binary incrementing
* Included support for restricted incrementing:
08//16/11 * g:visincr_longcmd provided to reduce command
naming conflicts amongst plugins.
03/18/13 * (Gary Johnson) pointed out that changing
cedit to <Esc> caused problems with visincr;
the cedit setting is now bypassed
01/09/14 * Included the :IMOD command.
01/10/14 * Included the :IREP command.
09/24/15 * Handles :behave mswin gracefully
02/18/16 * Changed =~ matching to =~# or
=~?, as and when appropriate
11/22/17 * :I and :II weren't picking up on an initial
negative number. Fixed.
v19: 12/19/07 : neglected to include calutil on the upload to, so a new version was made that
included it.
v18: 02/13/07 : included :IPOW and variants
02//15/07 * date dividers are no longer required
10//17/07 * calutil.vim and calutil.txt included, and they
use vim 7's autoload feature
v17: 07/26/06 : -complete=expression added to all visincr
07//27/06 * g:visincr_datedivset support included
v16: 06/15/06 : :IX, :IIX, :IO, and :IIO now support negative
increments and negative counts
07//13/06 * :IR :IIR (roman numeral) support included
v14: 03/21/06 : :IX and :IIX implemented to support hexadecimal
03//25/06 * Visincr converted to use Vim 7.0's autoloading
06//12/06 * Visincr will now direct users trying to do a
calendrical incrementing operation (:IMDY,:IYMD,
:IDMY) but missing calutil.vim to the help on
where to get it (visincr-calutil).
06//12/06 * :IO and :IIO implemented to support octal
v13: 03/15/06 : a zfill of '' or "" now stands for an empty zfill
03//16/06 * visincr now insures that the first character of
a month or day incrementing sequence (:IM, :ID)
is capitalized
* (bugfix) names embedded in a line weren't being
incremented correctly; text to the right of the
daynames/monthnames went missing. Fixed.
v12: 04/20/05 : load-once variable changed to g:loaded_visincr
protected from users' cpo options
05//06/05 * zfill capability provided to IDMY IMDY IYMD
05//09/05 * g:visincr_dow and g:visincr_month now can be
set by the user to customize daynames and
03//07/06 * passes my pluginkiller test (avoids more
problems causes by various options to vim)
v11: 08/24/04 : g:visincr_leaddate implemented
v10: 07/26/04 : :IM and :ID now handle varying length long-names
selected via linewise-visual mode
v9 : 03//05/04 : included IA command
v8 : 06//24/03 : added :IM command
added :RI .. :RM commands (restricted)
v7 : 06//09/03 : bug fix -- years now retain leading zero
v6 : 05//29/03 : bug fix -- pattern for IMDY IDMY IYMD didn't work
with text on the sides of dates; it now does
v5 : II : implements 0-filling automatically if
the first number has the format 00/00...0#
IYMD IMDY IDMY : date incrementing, uses <calutil.vim>
ID : day-of-week incrementing
v4 : gdefault option bypassed (saved/set nogd/restored)
vim: tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:fdm=marker